オハイオ州知事マイク・デワイン、東パレスチナ滞在中に負傷: ずくなしの冷や水



Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine Sufers Injury While in East Palestine

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine confirmed that he suffered an injury while he was visiting East Palestine, Ohio, the site of a toxic train derailment that has drawn national headlines in recent weeks.

The Republican governor, 76, told The Columbus Dispatch that he suffered a displaced distal fibula fracture just above his ankle that occurred while he was visiting a church in East Palestine on Feb. 21. It came as the state was opening up a health clinic for residents who live near the train derailment site.

“My foot caught on something. I’m fine,” DeWine told the paper on Feb. 26, noting that he’s “just not walking [his] dog as much.”

A spokesperson for his office confirmed his injury to several media outlets on Feb. 27. Representatives for DeWine’s administration didn’t respond by press time to a request by The Epoch Times for additional comment.

When DeWine visited East Palestine that day, a video went viral showing the governor, Environmental Protection Agency chief Michael Regan, and other officials drinking water from an East Palestine woman’s home.

76 歳の共和党知事はコロンブス ディスパッチに、2 月 21 日に東パレスチナの教会を訪れていたときに、足首のすぐ上にある腓骨遠位端骨折を負ったと語った。 脱線事故現場近くに住む住民。

「何かに足が引っかかった。 元気です」とデワインは2月26日に同紙に語り、「犬の散歩をあまりしていないだけだ」と述べた。

彼のオフィスのスポークスパーソンは、2 月 27 日に複数の報道機関に対して彼の負傷を確認した。


posted by ZUKUNASHI at 07:43| Comment(0) | 国際・政治
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