2022/4/29朝時点でダウは614ドルの上昇。日経平均先物は440円の上昇となっています。1ドルは72.75 ロシア・ルーブルとルーブル高に振れています。
ガス代金などのルーブル払いが本格化したようです。ガス購入者は、ガスプロムバンクに設けたドル、ユーロ口座に送金し、その後ルーブルに替えてルーブルの口座から代金を引き落とすことになるようです。モスクワの外為市場でドル・ユーロをルーブルに替えて、ドル・ユーロの買い手はドル・ユーロをどこに保持するのでしょう。欧米の銀行は口座を凍結したりしていますから、それらの口座に送ることはできない。ドル・ユーロの買い手は中国の人民元に替えている? そして中国の銀行の口座に人民元の残高が膨れ上がっている? インドやイランの銀行も使っているかもしれませんが。やはり外貨をためるなら人民元のような気がします。人民元の預金を扱う銀行はいくつかありますが、中国商工銀行が日本に支店を出しており、ネットバンキングをやっています。(人民元現金は扱っていません)
2022/5/3 21時 67.75 ロシア・ルーブル。欧州の液化天然ガスの支払いはさらに増える。
22時30分 66.63 ロシア・ルーブル
2022/5/4 19時 66.62 ロシア・ルーブル
2022/5/5、午前9時20分 67.00 ロシア・ルーブル
米FRBが 0.5%の大幅利上げ決定 保有資産減らす引き締め策も開始と報じられていますが、急激な金融引き締め観測が後退し、米国株は今年最大の上げになったと。
2022/5/5 18時 65.56ルーブル、21時 65.06 ロシア・ルーブル
2022/5/6、午前9時 64.82 ロシア・ルーブル。前日の米国ダウは1063ドルの下落。
午後5時 65.88 ロシア・ルーブル
2022/5/7朝、66.50 ロシア・ルーブル。仮需はなくて実需だけでこんなに動いている?
Mystery of the rising ruble revealed
The Russian currency may strengthen further, expert says
After losing nearly half of its value in March due to Western sanctions, the Russian currency has staged an extraordinary recovery, strengthening to levels not seen in over two years. RT talked to Sergey Kopylov, a junior partner at consulting company BSC and a lead researcher at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, to find out what’s behind the ruble’s resilience.
According to the researcher, the West had defaulted on its obligations to Russia when it froze the assets of the country’s central bank. “This is the abolition (something like cancel culture) of the rules of international financial relations based on global total return swaps, redistribution of risk, guarantees of property rights and distribution of seigniorage.”
It was these rules that determined the old ruble exchange rate and the approaches to its establishment that we are accustomed to, the expert said, adding that those rules “no longer apply.”
Kopylov explained that the strengthening of the ruble is due to the fact that it is now based purely on exports and imports, and its value is determined by its purchasing power parity (PPP). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated the Russian currency’s PPP at the end of 2021 at 29.127 rubles per one dollar. According to the Big Mac Index, that rate stood at 23.24 rubles to the dollar.
我々が慣れ親しんでいる旧ルーブルの為替レートとその確立へのアプローチを決定したのはこれらのルールであったと専門家は述べ、これらのルールは "もはや適用されない "と付け加えた。
The expert also noted that prior to sanctions, the artificial weakening of the Russian currency was supported by capital outflows. Thus, in 2021, net exports (the excess of exports of goods and services over imports) amounted to $122 billion. Those foreign exchange proceeds were used to purchase foreign assets, he said.
At a time of sanctions and the default of the West on its financial obligations to Russia, this outflow has become impossible, Kopylov said. Therefore, the $58 billion received by the Russian economy in the first quarter “puts pressure” on ruble appreciation.
“Expert assessment shows that under these conditions, the ruble may strengthen to the level of 45-to-50 rubles per one US dollar if there is no adjustment in monetary policy,” Kopylov concludes.
BREAKING NEWS: President Biden to provide major stimulus program including healthcare and "pocket money" for Azov battalion Nazis...
— Garland Nixon (@GarlandNixon) April 29, 2022
US economy hit by unexpected slowdown
The country’s GDP shrank 1.4% in the first quarter, data shows
The US economy unexpectedly declined by an annualized rate of 1.4% during the first three months of 2022, the Department of Commerce said on Thursday, while noting that consumers and businesses kept spending despite the slowdown.
According to the report, the first quarter was hampered by a slower restocking of goods in stores and warehouses as well as a plunge in exports.
“The report isn’t as worrisome as it looks,” lead US economist at Oxford Economics Lydia Boussour was quoted as saying by AFP. “The details point to an economy with solid underlying strength that demonstrated resilience in the face of Omicron, lingering supply constraints and high inflation,” she added.
Data shows that prices increased sharply during the quarter. Nevertheless, consumer spending rose 2.7%, signaling that the economy will likely keep expanding this year despite the Federal Reserve’s plans to raise rates aggressively to fight the inflationary surge.
Bank of Russia lowers key rate by 3 percentage points to 14% per annum. However, the external environment for the Russian economy remains challenging, the regulator pointed out:https://t.co/0HRiptLgCB pic.twitter.com/2FxLPIf5tW
— TASS (@tassagency_en) April 29, 2022