— Акичка (@4mYeeFHhA6H1OnF) この時期は、太陽の出ている時間が長く、遅い時間まで外は明るいのです。
⁴ᴷ RUSSIAN STREET STYLE IN MOSCOW Rich and Luxury Russia youth today ... https://t.co/MvJ8mtRKt0 via @YouTube
June 30, 2023
今日の動画 夏至のモスクワの街
NATO Secretary General claimed that burning the Holy Quran is freedom of expression & is not against the law in Sweden.
— Middle East News (@Draganov313) June 29, 2023
Erdogan: We will teach Western arrogance that insulting Muslims is not freedom of thought. pic.twitter.com/tdunAhAvXp
Chinese artists draw posters to celebrate the successful first test flight of the J-20B with the new engine. pic.twitter.com/47a6aXAm6x
— Spriter Team (@SpriterTeam) June 30, 2023
カディロフ氏をイメージしたフィギュアが中国で発売Figures with the image of Kadyrov put on sale in China
— Spriter Team (@SpriterTeam) June 30, 2023
On the Chinese market, you can now buy figurines of the leader of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, size 1:6, at a price of around 125 euros, according to the current exchange rate.
The head of Chechen diplomacy Ahmed Dudayev noted… pic.twitter.com/4HQ7J9pqMM
破壊されたモスクの基礎の上で金曜礼拝に参加するボスニアの兵士たち。Bosnian soldiers attending a Friday prayer service on the foundation of a destroyed mosque.
— Bosnian History (@BosnianHistory) June 29, 2023
Sanski Most, #Bosnia 1995. pic.twitter.com/JgdpgOtvAW
サンスキー・モスト、 #Bosnia 1995。
️These will be the steps of the US after the reversal of the Ukrainian offensive - "Zelensky plays no role"️
— Djole (@onlydjole) June 30, 2023
The US administration led by President Joseph Biden is closely monitoring the offensive campaign of the Ukrainian army. pic.twitter.com/kGvvOnmPwT
️These will be the steps of the US after the reversal of the Ukrainian offensive - "Zelensky plays no role"️
The US administration led by President Joseph Biden is closely monitoring the offensive campaign of the Ukrainian army.
It cannot be ruled out that, due to the events on the front line, Washington could change its attitude towards the Kiev regime, said the well-known Israeli political scientist Yaakov Kedmi.
In an interview with a Russian newspaper, he described in detail the attitude of
the US authorities towards the situation in Ukraine, and revealed the steps taken by the US after the reversal in the advancement of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Jakov Kedmi pointed out that Washington practically demands success from the Kyiv regime in their advancement.
In the White House, they are literally forcing the Ukrainian leadership to use all available forces of the Ukrainian armed forces in combat operations in order to achieve some success. However, such a move will only worsen the situation on the front line.
According to political scientists, when a noticeable turn appears in the Ukrainian advance, during which the Russian armed forces will take the initiative and launch a counteroffensive for a decisive blow to the Ukrainian army,
Washington will begin to force the Kiev regime to negotiate.
Kedmi expresses his conviction that Washington is actually ready to sacrifice the entire Ukrainian army.
The US expects a complete defeat of the Ukrainian armed forces,
only after which it will force Kiev to start a diplomatic process. At the same time, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, will not have any choice because he will not have any influence on the decisions.
"When it is clear that the Ukrainian army is not achieving anything, and Russia can achieve results, then negotiations will begin." And Zelensky does not play any role," Kedmi concluded.
️これらは、ウクライナの攻勢反転後の米国の措置となるだろう - 「ゼレンスキーは何の役割も果たしていない」️
ホワイトハウスでは文字通り、ある程度の成功を収めるためにウクライナ軍の利用可能なすべての戦力を戦闘作戦に投入するようウクライナ指導部に強制している。 しかし、そのような動きは前線の状況を悪化させるだけです。
それが終わって初めてキエフに外交プロセスの開始を強制することになる。 同時に、ウクライナのウォロディミル・ゼレンスキー大統領には決定に影響力がないため、選択の余地はない。
「ウクライナ軍が何も成果を上げておらず、ロシアが成果を上げられることが明らかになったら、交渉が始まるだろう。」 そして「ゼレンスキー氏は何の役割も果たしていない」とケドミ氏は結論づけた。
沖縄の第1防空連隊第1大隊のパッチがウクライナで発見された。A patch of the 1st Battalion of the 1st Air Defense Regiment from Okinawa was spotted in Ukraine.
— Spriter Team (@SpriterTeam) June 30, 2023
NATO not in Ukraine pic.twitter.com/jRZwZ6qiPp
間違い。 Googleによると、これは彼らのユニットパッチです。Wrong. This is their unit patch according to google. pic.twitter.com/gjulZwCeZA
— Craig Lowe (@CapstoneFarms) June 30, 2023
Additional radiation sensors are being installed in Kiev, city authorities said
— Spriter Team (@SpriterTeam) June 30, 2023
米国債は持続不可能に - 報告書
US debt becoming unsustainable – report
Paying the growing interest will get harder, the Congressional Budget Office has warned
US national debt will nearly double over the next three decades and interest payments on the sum will triple in relation to gross domestic product (GDP), a non-partisan group of budget experts in Congress has warned.
If current laws remain unchanged, Federal government debt will jump from this year’s estimate of 98% of GDP to 107% by 2029, and to 181% by 2053, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) warned in a report on Wednesday.
“Such high and rising debt would slow economic growth, push up interest payments to foreign holders of US debt, and pose significant risks to the fiscal and economic outlook”, the CBO wrote.
Debt held by the public represents the amount that the Treasury has borrowed from domestic and foreign investors to support government activities and meet its basic obligations such as healthcare programs and social security. As of December 2022, the public debt stood at 78% of the gross federal debt.
Total US debt now stands at over $32 trillion, after the government suspended the debt ceiling earlier this month to avoid a default.
At the same time, the US Federal Reserve has implemented a series of interest rate hikes in recent months in an attempt to curb the nation’s worst inflation in decades. The Fed interest rate is currently 5% to 5.25%, up from 0% in early 2022.
Disappointing to see Dr Peter McCullough continue pushing out these fake ‘Lab Leak’ clickbait articles. Wild pseudoscience claims. Why? https://t.co/6faA0f2UpF
— Patrick Henningsen (@21WIRE) June 30, 2023
ラブロフはさらに、ロシアは克服しなければならない困難から常に強くなってきたと述べ、反乱を "トラブル以外の何ものでもない "と表現した。
彼はまた、モスクワは "多くの西側指導者の正気に深刻な疑問を抱いている "と述べた。ウクライナ紛争で国民が苦しんでいることを公に認めながら、これらの指導者たちは、キエフがモスクワに勝つのを助けるという名目で政策を進めている、と外相は説明した。「これはまともなことでしょうか?これは国益を反映しているのだろうか?
Russia owes West no explanation about Wagner mutiny – Lavrov
Moscow has been extremely transparent about recent events in the country, the foreign minister has said
Russia has no obligation to reassure the West that the political situation in the country is stable in the aftermath of Wagner private military group uprising last week, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.
Speaking to reporters, Lavrov reiterated that “we are not obligated to explain anything to anyone, to give any assurances.” He stated that Russia “acts transparently,” adding that both President Vladimir Putin and other senior officials have commented on the Wagner mutiny.
“If anyone in the West has any doubts, well, that’s your problem,” the minister said.
Lavrov went on to say that Russia has always emerged stronger from the challenges it has had to overcome, while describing the mutiny as “nothing more than trouble.”
“The same thing will happen now. Moreover, we feel that this process has already begun.”
He also said Moscow has “serious doubts about the sanity of many Western leaders.” While publicly admitting that their citizens are suffering due to the Ukraine conflict, these leaders press on with their policies in the name of helping Kiev prevail over Moscow, the foreign minister explained. “Does this sound sane? Does this reflect national interests?”
Lavrov noted that amid the Wagner mutiny, many Western leaders claimed that the veneer of Russia’s statehood was crumbling. This reaction, combined with statements that arming Ukraine had paid off, basically amounted to a confession that the West is “waging war” against Russia, he said.
#スウェーデン での #コーラン 焼却事件
— ParsTodayJapanese【公式】 (@ParstodayJ) June 29, 2023
イラン、トルコ、レバノン、イラク、ヨルダン、イエメン、モロッコ、エジプトのアズハル大学を含むアラブ・イスラム諸国、そしてアラブ議会は、宗教戦争とイスラム共同体の神聖の冒涜に対処するよう求めました。https://t.co/4T0DqNjUoy #Quran pic.twitter.com/v5qTLo8i65
Muslims outraged by Koran burning storm Sweden's embassy in Iraq
— Dagny Taggart (@DagnyTaggart963) June 29, 2023
Residents of Iraq took to the protest action at the Swedish embassy in Baghdad.
As I said 2B people will be outraged. pic.twitter.com/UnvzNHuNFr
African nation recalls envoy to Sweden after Koran burning
Morocco has accused Stockholm of authorizing the “irresponsible” act of destroying the Islamic holy book
Morocco has recalled its ambassador to Sweden for an “indefinite period” following the burning of a Koran at a demonstration in Stockholm on Wednesday. The incident took place as Muslims around the world celebrated Eid al-Adha, one of Islam’s most significant festivals.
The Moroccan Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it had also summoned Sweden’s chargé d’affaires in Rabat and expressed the kingdom’s “most vigorous condemnation of this offense and rejection of this unacceptable act.”
“This new offensive and irresponsible act disregards the feelings of more than a billion Muslims during this sacred period of the great pilgrimage to Mecca and the blessed feast of Eid Al-Adha,” the ministry stated.
Salwan Momika, a 37-year-old Iraqi immigrant, is said to have organized the protest, in which he burned a copy of the Koran in front of a mosque in the Swedish capital.
コーラン焼却は「違法ではない」 - NATO 長官
NATOのイェンス・ストルテンベルグ事務総長は木曜日、イスラム教徒の怒りを引き起こしたスウェーデンでの最近の事件に関する質問に答え、公の場でコーランを燃やすことは必ずしも犯罪ではないと述べた。 イスラム教徒が多数派を占めるトゥルキエ国が、これまでのところスウェーデンによる米国主導の軍事ブロックへの参加を批准することを拒否している2つの加盟国の1つであることを考えると、この問題は特にデリケートである。
ストルテンベルグ氏は木曜日の記者会見で「このことが引き起こす感情と感情の深さは理解している」と記者団に語った。 同氏は、コーランの焼却は「攻撃的で不快だが、必ずしも違法ではない」とも付け加えた。
ストルテンベルグ氏はまた、今月初めにスウェーデンで起きた反NATO抗議活動についても言及した。 「私は彼らが好きではありません。 しかし、私は反対する権利を擁護します。 これは表現の自由の一部です」と彼は言った。
「私にとって重要なことは、スウェーデンの同盟への加盟の最終決定に向けて前進しなければならないことだ」とNATO長官は説明した。 「私は最近、(トルコのレジェプ・タイップ)エルドアン大統領と会談し、来週木曜日にここブリュッセルで高官レベルの会合を開催することで合意した。」
トルコ政府は以前、ストックホルムでクルド人と左翼団体が主催した反トルコデモに反対していた。 エルドアン大統領は、スウェーデンがテロ組織とみなしているクルディスタン労働者党(PKK)関係者を北欧の国が引き渡さない限り、スウェーデンのNATO加盟を阻止すると脅迫した。
Koran burning ‘not illegal’ – NATO chief
It is not a crime to set the Muslim holy book on fire, Jens Stoltenberg said
It is not necessarily a crime to burn the Koran in public, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Thursday, responding to a question about the recent incident in Sweden, which caused outrage among the Muslims. The issue is especially sensitive, given that the Muslim-majority country of Türkiye is one of the two member states that has so far refused to ratify Sweden’s bid to join the US-led military bloc.
“I understand the emotion and the depth of feeling this causes,” Stoltenberg told reporters at a press conference on Thursday. He added that the burning of the Koran was “offensive and objectionable [but] not necessarily illegal.”
Stoltenberg also addressed the anti-NATO protests in Sweden that took place earlier this month. “I do not like them. But I defend the right to disagree. This is part of the freedom of expression,” he said.
“What is important for me is that we have to make progress on finalizing the accession of Sweden into the alliance,” NATO chief explained. “I spoke with [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan recently and we agreed to convene a high level meeting of officials here in Brussels, Thursday, next week.”
On Wednesday, an Iraqi citizen living in Sweden burned a copy of the Koran outside a mosque in Stockholm amid the celebrations of Eid al-Adha, a major Muslim holiday.
Türkiye, which is one of the two member states that have so far not ratified Sweden’s bid to join the bloc, strongly condemned the Swedish authorities for allowing the book-burning to go ahead.
“We will eventually teach Western monuments of arrogance that insulting Muslims is not freedom of thought,” Erdogan said on Thursday, according to Anadolu news agency.
“As [for] those who commit this crime, those who allow it under the guise of freedom of thought, those who turn a blind eye to this baseness will not achieve their goals,” the Turkish leader said.
Ankara previously objected to anti-Turkish demonstrations in Stockholm that were organized by Kurdish and left-wing groups. Erdogan has threatened to block Sweden’s accession to NATO unless the Nordic country extradites people linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which Ankara considers a terrorist organization.
The Swedish authorities have condemned the public burning of the Koran in the past, but argued that such actions are protected under the country’s liberal laws.
“Sweden has a far-reaching freedom of expression, but it does not imply that the Swedish Government, or myself, support the opinions expressed,” Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said in January.
Moscow hits out at Sweden over Koran-burning stunt
Authorities in Stockholm knew the protest would stir up Muslims across the world, but approved it anyway, the State Duma has said
Russia’s State Duma has condemned Sweden for allowing anti-Islam activists to stage a Koran-burning demonstration in Stockholm, claiming that the city authorities were perfectly aware that their actions would lead to heightened religious and ethnic tensions.
In a statement on Thursday, the lower house of the Russian parliament said that both Russian MPs and Muslims around the world were “outraged” by the Swedish authorities’ decision to permit a protest outside a Stockholm mosque in which Islam’s holy book was desecrated. The rally itself came amid the celebration of Eid al-Adha, one of the chief Muslim holidays.
Videos circulating on social media showed Salwan Momika, the stunt’s organizer, who stomped on the Koran, tore its pages, and then set it on fire. While the demonstration was cordoned off by the police, they were unable to prevent a heated exchange between Momika and several people, who shouted insults.
In addition, one man attempted to throw stones at the rally’s participants but was arrested by the police before he could. Meanwhile, Swedish police said that Momika was being investigated for inciting hatred against a particular group and violating a fire ban.
“The Swedish authorities gave permission [for the protest] knowing in advance that a crime seeking to offend the feelings of millions of believers around the world and incite ethnic hatred would be committed,” the State Duma said, adding that his actions undermined peace and security.
Russian MPs “strongly condemn another act of vandalism” approved by the Swedish authorities, the statement read. “The desecration of sacred items has nothing to do with freedom of speech and religion, and with the principles of democracy.”
The State Duma was not alone in its rebuke of Stockholm, with a number of predominantly Muslim-populated countries adopting the same stance. The incident sparked outrage from Türkiye, which is currently blocking Sweden’s bid to become a NATO member, with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan describing the Koran burning as a “despicable act.”
“It is unacceptable to allow these anti-Islamic actions under the pretext of freedom of expression. To turn a blind eye to such atrocious acts is to be complicit,” he wrote on Twitter.
The Iraqi government also condemned the action, calling it “racist” and promoting “violence and hatred.” Morocco went even further, recalling its ambassador to Sweden in a show of protest.
Reuters and Bloomberg said they were not invited to cover the upcoming meeting of oil-producing countries
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has refused to invite reporters from Bloomberg News and Reuters to its event in Austria later this week, both outlets said on Wednesday.
Correspondents from the Wall Street Journal were also snubbed, according to Reuters and Bloomberg.
Though staff from the three media agencies typically cover major OPEC meetings, Bloomberg said that this time organizers decided to send invitations directly to reporters, as opposed to providing accreditation to any journalist seeking to attend an event.
“We are disappointed that Reuters has not been invited,” a spokesperson said, adding that the agency has “reached out to OPEC for clarity on the matter.”
“We believe that a free press serves readers, markets and the public interest,” the spokesperson added. Bloomberg said it had contacted the OPEC secretariat, but received no reply.
The agencies are still expected to send reporters to Austria, even if they cannot access the OPEC Secretariat, where ministers meet, according to the Financial Times (FT), which noted that it did receive an invitation. The newspaper added that Dow Jones was also denied an invitation.
FT cited people familiar with the matter as saying Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman was behind the exclusion of prominent news organizations.
Reporters from other outlets, including CNBC, as well as pricing agencies Argus and Platts, told Reuters that they were invited to the Vienna event.
OPEC – along with its partners in the broader OPEC+ bloc, which includes Russia – have been under pressure to support Western sanctions imposed on Moscow in response to its military operation in Ukraine. OPEC members have worked with Russia to reach an agreement on coordinated production cuts, which drew criticism from Washington.
OPEC members will gather on Saturday and Sunday for a regular biannual meeting to determine next steps after US crude prices dropped below $70 per barrel this week. The decline comes despite an agreement to further slash production in April, expanding output cuts initially set last year.
OPEC will welcome Iran’s return to oil market – secretary general
US sanctions currently limit the country’s energy production
Iran is a responsible partner and the country’s full return to the oil market will be welcome when the US lifts its sanctions, OPEC Secretary General Haitham Al Ghais told Iran’s Shana news agency on Monday.
Iran, which is a member of OPEC, is capable of delivering significant production volumes to the market over a short period of time, Al Ghais said on his first visit to Tehran.
However, the country has been the subject of US sanctions over its nuclear program, which target the oil and gas industry among other things.
Nonetheless, the restrictions have failed to completely stop Iranian oil exports since they were re-imposed by the Trump administration in 2016.
“We believe that Iran is a responsible player amongst its family members, the countries in the OPEC group. I’m sure there will be good work together, in synchronization, to ensure that the market will remain balanced as OPEC has continued to do over the past many years,” Shana cited Al Ghais as saying.
Attempts to resolve the issues between Washington and Tehran and remove the sanctions have repeatedly broken down.
Iran and Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s major oil producer, announced in March that they would restore diplomatic relations following mediation from China, the world’s second largest oil consumer. Earlier this year, the countries agreed to reopen their respective embassies and forge closer economic ties.
OPECはイランの石油市場への復帰を歓迎する - 事務局長
OPEC+ countries discuss further cuts in oil production - Reuters
— Sprinter (@Sprinter99880) June 3, 2023
Three OPEC+ sources told the news agency that a decision on the cut could be made on Sunday at a ministerial meeting in Vienna .
According to sources, the reduction could amount to 1 million barrels per day.…
OPEC、ここ数週間で2度目となる西側ジャーナリストの締め出し - メディア
ブルームバーグは声明で「OPECがブルームバーグを含む特定のジャーナリストを来週のセミナーから除外する可能性を非常に懸念している」と述べた。 「市場の透明性を確保するため、我々はOPECに対し、関連する世界的報道機関のジャーナリストの出席を認めることを強く主張する。」
ブルームバーグとロイターが引用した情報筋によると、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルも同様に招待を拒否された。 通信社によると、OPECは反転について説明せず、コメントの要請も拒否した。
ロイター通信の広報担当者は「透明性と報道の自由は読者、市場、公共の利益の両方に役立つと信じており、この報道制限に反対する」と述べ、「独立した公平かつ信頼できる方法でOPECを報道し続ける」と誓った。 」
当時の決定について尋ねられたOPEC事務総長ハイタム・アルガイスは、個別に報道機関を招待するという同組織の方針を擁護した。 「ここは私たちの家であり、これが私たちがメディア戦略を実行する方法を決定する方法です」と彼は言いました。
OPEC加盟国は7月5─6日にウィーンのホーフブルク宮殿で国際セミナーに会合する予定で、英国石油会社(BP)のトップや欧州連合(EU)のエネルギー当局トップも出席する予定だ。 関係国は、世界的なエネルギー危機とロシアの石油輸出に対する西側制裁を受けて、共同行動について話し合うと予想されている。
OPEC shuts out Western journalists for second time in weeks – media
The cartel of oil-producing countries reportedly disinvited Reuters and Bloomberg journalists from next week’s event
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has canceled invitations to Reuters, Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal to cover its upcoming meeting in Austria, the news organizations reported.
Bloomberg News and Reuters said on Wednesday that their journalists received accreditation for OPEC’s July conference, but were later told that the credentials had been withdrawn.
“We are very concerned by the prospect of OPEC excluding certain journalists, including from Bloomberg, from next week’s seminar,” Bloomberg said in a statement. “For the sake of market transparency, we strongly advocate for OPEC to allow journalists from relevant global news outlets to attend.”
The Wall Street Journal was similarly disinvited, according to sources cited by Bloomberg and Reuters. OPEC did not explain the reversal and declined requests for comment, the news agencies said.
“We believe that transparency and a free press serve both readers, markets and the public interest, and we object to this restriction on coverage,” a spokesperson for Reuters said, vowing to “continue to cover OPEC in an independent, impartial and reliable way.”
The move marks the second time OPEC has snubbed reporters from the same three news agencies in recent weeks, disinviting them from the Vienna event in June.
According to Reuters, journalists from the Financial Times, trade publication Argus, and S&P Global Commodity Insights, known as Platts, are among those who have received an invitation to the next week’s event.
Asked about the decision at the time, OPEC Secretary General Haitham al-Ghais defended the organization’s policy of inviting media outlets on an individual basis. “This is our house and this is the way we decide to conduct our media strategy,” he said.
OPEC members will meet for an international seminar at the Hofburg palace in Vienna on July 5-6, with the head of British Petroleum (BP) and the European Union’s top energy official also expected to attend. The countries are expected to discuss joint actions in the wake of the global energy crisis and the Western sanctions on Russia’s oil exports.
Reuters and Bloomberg said they would cover the event regardless of accreditation, as they did at the June 4 policy meeting.
ウクライナの「失敗」はバイデンにとって大きな問題 - シーモア・ハーシュ
先週末のロシアのワグナー・グループによる短期間の反乱は、「失敗に終わったウクライナの反撃」から一時的に気を紛らわせることになったが、ハーシュ氏は続けて、キエフは「惨事」に向かっていると主張した。 同氏は、2024年の再選を目指してウクライナを外交政策の成功として売り込もうとするバイデン氏にとって、これは政治的に打撃となる可能性があると述べた。
ハーシュ氏は、米国情報筋が提供した戦場統計やその他の情報を指摘し、キエフが6月初旬に反撃を開始して以来取り戻した領土はわずか44平方マイルで、「そのほとんどが空き地」だと主張した。 同氏は、現在のペースでキエフがロシア軍を完全に撃退するには117年かかるだろうと述べ、この数字は匿名の当局者の発言によるものだと述べた。
ウクライナとその西側支援者らはまだ勝利の可能性は残っていると主張するが、ハーシュ氏は、キエフが戦場で結果を出せなかった場合、バイデン氏の「外交政策全体が危険にさらされる可能性がある」と述べた。 同ジャーナリストは、大統領の支持率が低下していることを指摘し、民主党に対し、2024年選挙戦に臨むにあたり、ウクライナでの「迫りくる災害」を「警鐘」として受け止めるよう促した。
一方、ロシア国防省は、キエフ軍による度重なる攻撃はロシアの防衛を突破できず、重要な拠点を獲得できなかったと述べた。 さらに、複数のドイツ製レオパルト 2 重戦車と米国製ブラッドレー戦闘車両が戦場で破壊または放棄されました。 ロシアとウクライナの情報筋が今月共有したビデオには、地雷原や砲撃により泥沼にはまり退却するウクライナ兵士の姿が映っていた。
Ukrainian ‘failure’ a big problem for Biden – Seymour Hersh
Kiev faces “looming disaster” in the conflict with Moscow, according to investigative reporter Seymour Hersh
Ukraine’s foundering counteroffensive will mark a major embarrassment for the White House, Pulitzer-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has argued, suggesting President Joe Biden’s hardline support for Kiev could cost him the next election.
Writing in his latest Substack article on Thursday, Hersh outlined the progress of Ukraine’s offensive operations, claiming it would need a “miracle” to reverse Russian gains after Moscow took “total control” of the Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.
While a short-lived rebellion by Russia’s Wagner Group last weekend offered a brief distraction from “Ukraine’s failing counter-offensive,” Hersh went on to argue that Kiev is heading for “disaster.” He said that could be politically damaging for Biden, who will seek to sell Ukraine as a foreign policy success as he campaigns for re-election in 2024.
“It may be prudent for Joe Biden to talk straight about the war, and its various problems for America – and to explain why the estimated more than $150 billion that his administration has put up thus far turned out to be a very bad investment,” the journalist added.
Pointing to battlefield statistics and other information provided by US intelligence sources, Hersh claimed that Kiev had reclaimed only 44 square miles of territory since launching its counteroffensive in early June, “much of it open land.” He said at the current pace, Kiev would take 117 years to completely repel Russian forces, attributing the figure to an unnamed official.
Ukraine’s Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has acknowledged the slow progress of the counteroffensive, but told the Financial Times this week that the operations so far were merely a “preview,” saying Kiev had yet to deploy the bulk of its Western-trained reserves.
While Ukraine and its Western backers insist victory is still on the table, Hersh said Biden’s “overall foreign policy may be at risk” should Kiev fail to deliver results on the battlefield. The journalist urged Democrats to take the “looming disaster” in Ukraine as a “wake-up call” as they enter the 2024 race, noting the president’s waning approval numbers.
The Russian Defense Ministry, meanwhile, said that the repeated pushes by Kiev’s troops have failed to breach the Russian defenses and gain any significant ground. Moreover, multiple German-made Leopard 2 heavy tanks and US-made Bradley combat vehicles were either destroyed or abandoned on the battlefield. Videos shared by Russian and Ukrainian sources this month showed Ukrainian soldiers bogged down and retreating due to minefields and artillery fire.
2023年6月30日 0時48分ごろ 茨城県沖 4.0 2
2023年6月28日 15時02分ごろ 茨城県北部 3.1 1
2023年6月28日 14時25分ごろ 日高地方東部 3.4 2
2023年6月28日 13時27分ごろ 千葉県東方沖 4.3 1
2023年6月28日 12時08分ごろ 千葉県東方沖 4.8 2
2023年6月26日 1時49分ごろ 岩手県沖 3.4 1
2023年6月25日 18時18分ごろ 福島県沖 3.8 1
2023年6月25日 17時46分ごろ 岩手県沖 3.7 1
2023年6月24日 21時24分ごろ 福島県浜通り 3.5 1
2023年6月24日 20時39分ごろ 宮城県沖 3.8 1
2023年6月24日 9時58分ごろ 福島県沖 4.9 3
2023年6月24日 2時39分ごろ 宗谷東方沖 5.8 2
2023年6月22日 19時31分ごろ 空知地方南部 4.5 2
2023年6月22日 18時31分ごろ 茨城県沖 3.7 2
2023年6月22日 16時39分ごろ 浦河沖 4.1 3
2023年6月21日 17時46分ごろ 東京湾 3.4 1
2023年6月21日 6時22分ごろ 岩手県沖 3.6 1
2023年6月21日 1時10分ごろ 岩手県内陸南部 3.3 1
2023年6月20日 18時25分ごろ 宮城県沖 3.6 1
2023年6月19日 13時50分ごろ 十勝地方南部 5.2 3
2023年6月17日 20時42分ごろ 青森県東方沖 4.8 2
2023年6月17日 20時37分ごろ オホーツク海南部 5.8 2
2023年6月17日 18時37分ごろ 日高地方東部 4.1 2
2023年6月17日 9時26分ごろ 青森県東方沖 5.7 3
2023年6月16日 21時24分ごろ 千葉県北東部 4.9 4
2023年6月16日 21時14分ごろ 千葉県北西部 4.0 2
2023年6月11日 18時55分ごろ 浦河沖 6.2 5弱
この法律は昨年末に起草され、水曜日に中国議会で承認されたと国営人民日報が報じた。 7月1日に発効する。
この法律は 6 つの章に分かれており、その中には中国政府の外交政策目標を正式に定めたり、既存の外交政策を国家法制度に規定したりする章が含まれている。 しかし、最も重要な章は、「国際法と国際関係を統治する基本規範に違反し、中国の主権、安全保障、発展の利益を危険にさらす行為に対して…必要な対抗措置を講じる」権限を政府に与える章である。
中国政府の環球時報が法律専門家の話として報じたところによると、中国当局者らは「外交関係における新たな課題の中で、特に中国が西側の覇権の下で内政への外部からの頻繁な干渉に直面している中で」この法律を起草したという。 これは「制裁、反介入、長期管轄権に対する外交闘争の法的根拠を提供するものである」と国営新聞は付け加えた。
中国はここ数カ月、米国からの制裁やその他の経済制裁の集中砲火に直面している。 米国政府は中国の半導体産業に輸出規制を課し、半導体サプライチェーンから中国を排除するよう同盟国に圧力をかけ、ロシアに軍事技術を提供した疑いで中国企業をブラックリストに載せ、2月のいわゆるスパイ気球事件を受けて中国の航空宇宙企業を制裁した。
米国と中国の関係は、ジョー・バイデン米大統領が台湾と中国本土の統一を阻止するために軍事力を行使するだろうと何度も発言した昨年以来、急速に悪化している。 バイデン氏はそれ以来、差し迫った「雪解け」を予測してきたが、先週、アントニー・ブリンケン国務長官が北京での中国大統領との会談から戻る途中、習主席を「独裁者」と呼び、関係をさらに緊張させた。 ワシントンの中国大使館はこの声明を「政治的挑発」と呼んだが、ブリンケン氏は日曜日にバイデン氏の意見を支持し、米大統領は「我々全員を代弁している」とCBSニュースに語った。
China legalizes ‘countermeasures’ against the West
A new law will allow Beijing to react more strongly to sanctions and “interference”
China has passed its first foreign relations law, granting President Xi Jinping’s government the power “to take corresponding countermeasures” against Western acts that threaten Chinese national security.
The law was drafted late last year and approved by China’s parliament on Wednesday, the state-run People’s Daily reported. It comes into force on July 1.
The law is divided into six chapters, including ones formalizing Beijing’s foreign policy objectives and enshrining existing diplomatic policy in the national legal system. However, the most significant chapter is one authorizing the government “to take necessary countermeasures… against acts that endanger China's sovereignty, security and development interests in violation of international law and fundamental norms governing international relations.”
Chinese officials authored the law “amid new challenges in foreign relations, especially when China has been facing frequent external interference in its internal affairs under the Western hegemony,” Beijing’s Global Times reported, citing legal experts. It “provides a legal basis for the diplomatic struggle against sanctions, anti-intervention and long-arm jurisdiction,” the state-run newspaper added.
China has faced a barrage of sanctions and other economic penalties from the US in recent months. Washington has imposed export controls on China’s semiconductor industry and pressed its allies to exclude Beijing from semiconductor supply chains, blacklisted Chinese companies for allegedly supplying military technology to Russia, and sanctioned Chinese aerospace firms following a so-called spy balloon incident in February.
Beijing views such measures as an attempt by the US to bring about the “all-around containment, encirclement and suppression of China,” Xi declared in March.
In the absence of any formal law, China responded to these moves in an ad-hoc fashion, countering US arms sales to Taiwan by sanctioning American weapons makers Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, and announcing a national security investigation into US chipmaker Micron in response to Washington’s export controls on Chinese chip manufacturers.
China has also made the lifting of US sanctions a prerequisite before high-level military talks can restart.
Relations between Washignton and Beijing have nosedived since last year, when US President Joe Biden said on multiple occasions that he would use military force to prevent the reunification of Taiwan with mainland China. While Biden has since predicted an imminent “thaw,” he strained relations further last week by calling Xi a “dictator” while his secretary of state, Antony Blinken, was returning from a meeting with the Chinese president in Beijing. China’s embassy in Washington called the statement a “political provocation,” but Blinken seconded Biden’s opinion on Sunday, telling CBS News that the US president “speaks for all of us.”
政府も嘘を言います。だまされたほうが悪い! そういう世の中になっています。
この人、元ロシア在住の大学生と名乗ってるけど、ロシア語分かるはずなのに堂々と嘘を拡散してたんですね…https://t.co/F8gea0xjMO https://t.co/bnPYQ7JxeP pic.twitter.com/31Q407l834
— もんみ (@Monmi0614) June 25, 2023
— ペルクロ (@2DpqaMF2mbNxMyt) June 26, 2023
ウクライナ、西側の期待に激怒 – エコノミスト
「できる限り外交的に話させてください」と同氏は同メディアに語った。 「一部のパートナーは私たちに前進して暴力的に戦うよう言っていますが、彼らはまた、私たちが必要とするハードウェアや武器を提供するのに時間を費やしています。」
今週初め、ウクライナのドミトリー・クレバ外務大臣は、キエフにはさらなる砲兵システムとミサイルが必要であるとEUのトップ外交官に語った。 同氏はまた、最新鋭戦闘機のウクライナ人パイロットの訓練を加速すると主張し、ロシアに対する追加制裁を求めた。
西側当局者らは公の場で、ロシアを倒すために「必要な限り」ウクライナを支援すると約束した。 しかし、キエフの反撃の進展が遅く、成果が得られないことで、将来の軍事援助が危うくなる可能性があるとフィナンシャル・タイムズ紙は報じた。
Ukraine outraged over Western expectations – Economist
Kiev is reportedly frustrated with slow weapon deliveries from its partners who are demanding swift results from the operation
Officials in Kiev are frustrated by western demands that they accelerate their counteroffensive against Russia, despite already using all available resources on the battlefield, the Economist reported on Wednesday, citing a Ukrainian intelligence source.
The outlet noted that the Ukrainian army had suffered heavy casualties during the first weeks of the widely-anticipated counteroffensive, without making any significant gains so far, prompting Ukrainian commanders to try to protect their depleted forces.
Ukrainian officials hoped for swifter progress, but have since pointed to a number of obstacles, such as effective Russian aviation, large minefields and bad weather.
The slow pace of the counteroffensive has reportedly started worrying Kiev’s Western backers, according to The Economist, with officials arguing that a lack of shock and momentum will cost more lives in the long run.
Politico also reported on Monday that certain Western officials have called Ukraine’s Armed Forces “too cautious” and are demanding that its troops hurry up and make significant battlefield gains soon.
The unnamed Ukrainian intelligence source, however, told the Economist that such statements coming from the West are hypocritical.
“Let me put this as diplomatically as I can,” he told the outlet. “Certain partners are telling us to go forward and fight violently, but they also take their time delivering the hardware and weapons we need.”
Earlier this week, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told top EU diplomats that Kiev needed more artillery systems and missiles. He also insisted on speeding up the training of Ukrainian pilots on advanced fighter jets, and called for more sanctions against Moscow.
Publicly, Western officials have pledged to support Ukraine for “as long as it takes” to defeat Russia. However, the slow progress and lack of results of Kiev’s counteroffensive could jeopardize future military assistance, the Financial Times has reported.
Meanwhile, Russia has repeatedly pointed out that the continued delivery of Western weapons to Ukraine would fail to change the outcome of the conflict and only served to prolong it and cause more unnecessary bloodshed.
In Krematorsk (Ukraine) a Hotel was bombed. By the amount of military men immediately on the spot, you can surmise that it was used by the military.
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) June 27, 2023
-> Especially interesting is that some of the victims talk in English and have tattoos of the “US 3rd airborne Ranger Battalion”! pic.twitter.com/10TF4gYJbQ
Moscow reacts to Kiev’s claim that missile hit pizzeria
Russian forces do not target civilian infrastructure, the Kremlin spokesman said
Russian officials have denied claims that its military targeted an eatery full of civilians in the city of Kramatorsk. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov responded to the accusations from Kiev by stating that Russia does not attack civilian infrastructure.
Ukraine has blamed Moscow for killing at least ten civilians and injuring more than 60 in a missile strike on Tuesday evening in the Kiev-controlled city of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).
Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klimenko claimed that two Russian missiles hit downtown Kramatorsk, with one projectile destroying a pizzeria and causing a large number of casualties.
According to Ukrainian authorities, ten civilians, including three girls aged between 14 and 17, were killed in the city as a result of the strikes that they have blamed on Russia, while more than 60 others were injured.
Talking to journalists on Wednesday, Peskov asserted that Russian strikes “target only objects that are connected to military infrastructure in some way.”
In its daily briefing on the same day, the Russian Defense Ministry reported striking a location in Kramatorsk, which it described as a temporary base of the 56th Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The Ukrainian security service, SBU, said it had arrested a local resident, whom it suspects of leaking intelligence to Russia before the alleged strike. The agency alleged that the man had sent photos of cars parked near the eatery and suggested that the goal of the strike was to kill civilians en masse.
Since the beginning of the conflict in February last year, Kiev has repeatedly accused Russia of deliberately striking civilian targets. Moscow has denied the allegations, saying that its military makes an effort to mitigate damage to civilians as it works to diminish Ukraine’s military capability.
Russia has also accused the Ukrainian government of launching “terrorist attacks,” including the deadly bombing of the Crimean Bridge last year and multiple assassination attempts against civilians.
ロシア当局は、同国軍がクラマトルスク市の民間人でいっぱいの飲食店を標的にしたという主張を否定した。 クレムリン報道官ドミトリー・ペスコフはキエフの非難に対し、ロシアは民間インフラを攻撃していないと述べた。
ウクライナ治安当局SBUは、攻撃前にロシアに情報を漏洩した疑いで地元住民を逮捕したと発表した。 同庁は、男が飲食店の近くに駐車した車の写真を送り、空爆の目的が民間人の集団殺害であると示唆したと主張した。
昨年2月に紛争が始まって以来、キエフはロシアが民間目標を意図的に攻撃していると繰り返し非難してきた。 ロシア政府はこの疑惑を否定し、軍はウクライナの軍事力を縮小させるために民間人への被害を軽減する努力をしていると述べた。
There are suspicions that a number of Western countries under the guise of mercenaries are sending military personnel to Ukraine - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
— Sprinter (@Sprinter99880) June 28, 2023
— Ezio Mao☢ (@KELMAND1) June 28, 2023
酒店内安置了大量前美军士兵、特种部队以及来自北约各国的军事人员,他们在志愿者的掩护下,为该地区的乌克兰军队提供指挥和行政支持。受害者人数可能会揄チ。 https://t.co/ccrFis1uoR
— tobimono2 (@tobimono2) June 28, 2023
SNS上では誰が会合の情報をリークしたかをめぐってヒステリーが起きている。↓ pic.twitter.com/ewVDiVtpxg
Very possible that a large troop concentration was hit in Kramatorsk today. Lots of military men running around and a lot of English can be heard.
️ " Il y a des soldats sous les décombres tout autour " - un mercenaire étranger commente l'attaque d'un hôtel avec des militants à Kramatorsk
— Brainless Partisans ☠️☢️☣️ (@BPartisans) June 28, 2023
Apparemment, il n'a pas eu le temps de lire les manuels de formation de Zelensky qu'il est impossible de filmer les résultats des… pic.twitter.com/nZAGc3TDgb
️ 「周囲の瓦礫の下に兵士がいる」−クラマトルスクでの過激派によるホテル襲撃について外国人傭兵がコメント
— Ezio Mao☢ (@KELMAND1) June 29, 2023
来自加利福尼亚州的美国雇佣兵尼克・达克沃斯出现在克拉马托尔斯克酒店袭击地点附近的照片中。 https://t.co/ccrFis1uoR
— Ezio Mao☢ (@KELMAND1) June 29, 2023
ジョー・バイデン米国大統領はウクライナに米軍を派兵するつもりはないと、国務省報道官マシュー・ミラーが木曜日記者団に語った。 しかし、アメリカ軍は公然とロシア人と戦っていないかもしれないが、未知の数の米軍人が敵対地域で活動していると報告されている。
ミラー氏は、個別のNATO加盟国(おそらくポーランドとバルト三国)がブロック全体を関与させずにウクライナに軍隊を派遣できるというアンデシュ・フォッグ・ラスムセン元NATO事務総長の今月初めの提案を米国が支持するかどうかと質問された。 ラスムセン氏は、来月リトアニアで開催される首脳会議でNATOがウクライナの「安全保障」について合意できなかった場合、そのようなシナリオが起こる可能性が高いと述べた。
一方、EUはそのような使命の考えを拒否した。 欧州連合軍参謀総長のエルベ・ブレジャン中将は、「ウクライナに地上軍を派兵することは戦争の当事国となり、ロシアと戦争状態にあることを意味し、EUもNATOも誰もそれを望んでいない」と述べた。と2週間前に言いました。
米国はウクライナ紛争から距離を置くとのミラー氏の主張にもかかわらず、米軍はすでに同国で活動している。 国防総省は11月、「少数の」米軍兵士がキエフの米国大使館を警備し、最前線から離れた場所で武器の配達を検査していたことを認めた。 4月に流出した国防総省文書は、3月中旬の時点で14人の米国特殊部隊員がウクライナに派遣されており、英国からも50人が派遣されていると示唆した。
現役軍人以外にも、キエフ軍とともに戦っている米国民の数は不明だ。 複数のアメリカ人がロシア兵に捕らえられ、昨年夏には数百人がロシアによってウクライナで戦闘に参加したとしてリストに挙げられた。
ロシア国防省は木曜日、ドンバス市クラマトルスクにあるウクライナ軍の臨時基地への火曜日のミサイル攻撃で「20人もの外国人傭兵と軍事顧問」が死亡したと発表した。 空爆後にソーシャルメディア上で出回った未確認の画像や動画には、米軍の軍服を着た英語を話す軍人が基地から死者や負傷者を収容している様子が映っていたとされている。
American troops will not fight in Ukraine – Washington
Both the US and EU have ruled out the deployment of individual NATO members’ forces against Russia
US President Joe Biden has no intention of sending American troops to Ukraine, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters on Thursday. However, while its forces may not be openly fighting Russians, an unknown number of US military personnel are reported active in the zone of hostilities.
“The president has been very clear that US troops will not be on the ground in Ukraine,” Miller said at a press briefing in Washington.
Miller had been asked whether the US supported former NATO secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s suggestion earlier this month that individual NATO members – likely Poland and the Baltic states – could deploy troops to Ukraine without involving the entire bloc. Rasmussen said that such a scenario would be likely if NATO fails to agree on “security guarantees” for Ukraine at a summit next month in Lithuania.
Miller’s answer did not directly address the issue of a potential Polish or Baltic mission to Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the EU has rejected the idea of any such mission. “To send ground troops to Ukraine is to be a party in a war, to be at war with Russia, and nobody wants that, neither the EU, nor NATO,” the director general of the European Union Military Staff, Vice Admiral Herve Blejean, said two weeks ago.
Despite Miller’s insistence that the US will stay at arm’s length from the Ukrainian conflict, US forces are already operating in the country. The Pentagon acknowledged in November that a “small number” of American troops were guarding the US embassy in Kiev and inspecting weapons deliveries away from the front lines. In April, leaked Pentagon documents suggested that 14 US special forces personnel were deployed in Ukraine as of mid-March, along with 50 from the UK.
Aside from active-duty troops, there are an unknown number of US citizens fighting alongside Kiev’s forces. Multiple Americans have been captured by Russian soldiers, and several hundred were listed as fighting in Ukraine by Russia last summer.
The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday that as many as “20 foreign mercenaries and military advisers” were killed in a missile strike on a temporary base of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbass city of Kramatorsk on Tuesday. Unverified images and videos circulating on social media after the strike purportedly showed English-speaking military personnel in American uniforms recovering the dead and wounded from the base.
Moscow already considers the US and NATO to be involved in the conflict by proxy, with Russian President Vladimir Putin accusing the West last week of waging war against Russia “to the last Ukrainian.”