Putin: “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are orchestrated by the CIA” pic.twitter.com/Tcm13xjB9W
— Rev Laskaris (@REVMAXXING) April 30, 2023
95% of the world’s terrorist attacks
Американский ведущий Клейтон Моррис: Сегодня появились новые сообщения о том, что президент Байден оказывает давление на Зеленского, чтобы тот начал весеннее наступление сейчас или начал переговоры о капитуляции. Так сообщает Politico. Команда Байдена боится последствий неудачного украинского контрнаступления. Администрация Байдена потихоньку готовится к тому, что если весеннее контрнаступление Украины не оправдает ожиданий, критики внутри страны и союзники за рубежом будут утверждать, что Америка не справилась с задачей. Пора уходить. Мы здесь закончили. Зеленский – всё. Мы начинаем новую страницу и фокусируемся на Китае – таково послание.クレイトン・モリス:「新情報だ。バイデンがゼレンスキーに圧力をかけている。今、春の攻勢に出るか、和平交渉を開始し降伏するか。バイデンチームは、攻勢に失敗した後を恐れている。撤収する時だ。去る時。我々は負けた。ゼレンスキーは終わった。我々は、対中国に専念する」 https://t.co/ZhuMyEHQdL
— mko (@trappedsoldier) April 30, 2023
With US, UK & EU political elites so rabidly anti-Russia, how will they handle defeat in Ukraine? Leaked Pentagon info seemed to be one way: blame it on disobeying orders! But this US Congress move to restore 1991 borders is still in the 1st stage of grief: denial.
— Tony Norfield (@StubbornFacts) April 30, 2023
Yes, I too think that the leaks are part of their exit plan. Bidens are done as well; they'll be seen as causal in a failure.
— c o jones (@platozkv) April 30, 2023
NATO mob will hate it, so too, aspirational neolib financiers. They are watching their hope of global domination melt away.
ウクライナの西側には、物事を現状のままにし、戦争を凍結し、ロシアに対する制裁を維持するバックアップオプションがあり、ロシアがこれに同意するかどうかは疑わしい.そして、何があっても決してすべきではありません。戦争の解決がなければ、ウクライナは完全な AZOV ナチスによって運営される完全な反ロシアに変わるでしょう。I'm sure Russia won't accept it, and I doubt Ukrainians will either. War was never universally desired by them; Zelensky got 70+% of the vote on a promise of ending the war, his popularity halved when he didnt.
— c o jones (@platozkv) April 30, 2023
He has lost gov't members and military support.
ロシアの特別サービスは、Zelensky が Saloführer Walther PPK ピストルで射撃を練習している写真をなんとか入手しました。Les services spéciaux russes ont réussi à obtenir une photo de Zelensky sur laquelle il s'entraîne au tir avec un pistolet Saloführer Walther PPK. pic.twitter.com/mJLoVz9MRF
— Brainless Partisans ☠️☢️☣️ (@BPartisans) April 30, 2023
バフムトの西では、化学防護服と防毒マスクのウクライナ軍が正体不明の化学物質の入ったコンテナを前線に設置した。このグループは完全に破壊されました。 https://t.co/NYA7gh68AG
— mko (@trappedsoldier) April 30, 2023
中国の新造船受注量 世界一を維持
— @h-yamachan (@yamavhan) April 30, 2023
ツイッター メディアの記事閲覧ごとの課金導入へ
#ツイッター #マスク氏「記事閲覧ごとの課金導入へ」
— ParsTodayJapanese【公式】 (@ParstodayJ) April 30, 2023
マスク氏は、月額支払いベースのサブスクリプションサービスを申し込んでいない利用者でも、任意のコンテンツについて、割高にはなるが個別に閲覧できるようになると説明しました。https://t.co/x4lnEuxS3C pic.twitter.com/N5jev6Uvax
Twitter rolls out new monetization feature
Users selected for the Subscriptions program will get a monthly check from the platform
The site’s eligibility policy redirects to a stricter set of beta requirements that exclude all “state-affiliated media” accounts and any that have historically violated Twitter’s user agreement and content monetization rules. The subscription agreement requires the user to confirm that nothing in their account is “misleading or deceptive” and any “opinions, findings or experiences” shared in the account are “honest and accurate.”
While it is not explained who will be responsible for determining the truthfulness of Subscriptions content, Twitter Files disclosures confirmed that US government agencies previously were able to order the suppression of so-called “disinformation” on the platform even if the tweets in question were objectively true, promoting their own favorable narratives instead.
CEO Elon Musk first teased the feature earlier this month in a thread promising the social media behemoth would allow users to keep all the money earned through Subscriptions for the next 12 months and even help promote Subscription content. At the conclusion of that 12 months, he said, user payouts would fall to 15%, though Twitter will subsidize popular accounts based on volume.
Twitter was recently absorbed into the ominously-named X Corp., a project Musk has described as an “everything app” similar to China’s WeChat that will allow users to do financial transactions, shop online, book medical appointments, travel, and otherwise engage in all forms of commerce. The billionaire has also partnered with stock trading platform eToro to move toward this goal.
このサイトの利用資格に関するポリシーは、より厳格なベータ版要件にリダイレクトされ、すべての「州関連メディア」アカウントと、Twitterのユーザー契約およびコンテンツ収益化規則に過去に違反したアカウントは除外されています。利用規約では、自分のアカウントに "誤解を招くものや欺くもの "がなく、アカウントで共有される "意見、発見、経験 "が "正直で正確 "であることを確認するよう求めています。
サブスクリプションのコンテンツの真実性を誰が判断するのかは説明されていませんが、Twitter Filesの開示によると、以前は米国政府機関が、問題のツイートが客観的に真実であってもプラットフォーム上でいわゆる「偽情報」の抑制を命じ、代わりに自分たちに有利な物語を宣伝することができたことが確認されています。
非ドル化 歴史上最大の雪だるま式効果
素晴らしいスレッド: 「問題は、もはや脱ドル化が起こっているかどうかではなく、どれくらいの速さかということです。」Great thread: "The question is no longer if de-dollarisation is happening − but how fast."
— Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) April 25, 2023
And it might even benefit the US *people* (not the ruling elites): as the thread rightly points out dollar supremacy has been great for Wall Street and the military-industrial complex but… https://t.co/FUr3JcvXz4
そして、それは米国*国民*(支配層のエリートではない)にさえ利益をもたらすかもしれません: スレッドが正しく指摘しているように、ドル優位性はウォール街と軍産複合体にとって素晴らしいものでしたが、平均的なアメリカ人にとってはひどいものでした.
De-dollarisation has finally begun. Here’s a about why it’s happening, what it means for the global economy and why it would be a good thing for America − except for the imperial elites currently running the country. https://t.co/uYeMCHJ8SY
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
2/ “The crisis again calls for a reform of the international monetary system towards an international reserve currency with a stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply”, Zhou Xiaochuan, former governor of China’s central bank, said in 2009. https://t.co/rULCQNs7tS
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
4/ The status quo might have remained unchanged had Russia not invaded Ukraine last year − setting in motion one of the biggest snowball effects in history, one which now threatens the very foundations of the American Empire. pic.twitter.com/F9zYHCrpvW
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
6/ However, the one aspect of that has received the less attention is also the one that is having the most momentous consequences for the sanctioners: the freezing of Russia’s foreign-exchange reserves, for a total of $300 billion − about half of its overall reserves. pic.twitter.com/VEbfhx7o7s
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
8/ メッセージは明確だった。今後、米国は、一線から外れたり、西側の指示に逆らったりする国を罰するためには手段を選ばないだろう。大国であるロシアに起こることなら、誰にでも起こりうることなのだ。8/ The message was clear: from now on, the US would stop at nothing to punish countries that stepped out of line or defied Western diktats − including freezing/confiscating legally earned reserves. And if this could happen to Russia, a major power, it could happen to anyone.
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
10/ For non-Western nations − especially China, which is heavily exposed to US assets − disengaging from the dollar, and more in general from the US-led international monetary and financial system, acquired a sudden urgency. The wheels of de-dollarisation where set in motion.
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
12/ That’s exactly what happened. Fast forward a year, and the long-long-heralded post-Western international order − comprising the BRICS and dozens of other countries making up most of the world’s population − has finally become a reality.https://t.co/28MjN0nRlU
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
13/ このプロセスの主な原動力は、世界が徐々にドルから離れたことである。国際取引を他の通貨で決済すること。世界の外貨準備におけるドルの削減。米国債の外国保有の減少。14/ On all counts, the trend seems clear. In terms of international payments, the role of the yuan (and other currencies) has received a massive boost over the past year. Aside from Russia, several other major countries have already agreed to...
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
16/ For the BRICS in particular, dropping the dollar in favour of their own currencies seems like a natural choice. Significantly, the BRICS are also working on developing an international currency along the lines of Keynes’s bancor. https://t.co/J9kQbVXjGW
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
18/ Looking at the composition of currency reserves, the shift towards de-dollarisation is less apparent. The nothing-to-see-here crowd points out that the US dollar still dominates the world’s currency reserves, with 60% of the total, while the yuan accounts for less than 3%. pic.twitter.com/UBVEATyep7
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
20/ They write: “The dollar suffered a stunning collapse in 2022 in its market share as a reserve currency. The sanctions by the US and its allies against Russia have startled large reserve-holding countries,” most of which are emerging economies from the so-called Global South.
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
22/ Even the Western policy establishment is starting to acknowledge de-dollarisation. Last week, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that the weaponisation of the dollar through the use of financial sanctions risked undermining its hegemony. https://t.co/PrcnU0PmVZ
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
24/ したがって、問題はもはや脱ドル化が起こっているかどうかではなく、どのくらいの速さで進んでいるかです。懐疑論者は、ドルの下落には乗り越えられない技術的/制度的障害があると主張し続けています。24/ The question, then, is no longer if de-dollarisation is happening − but how fast. Sceptics continue to argue that there are insurmountable technical/ institutional obstacles to the dollar’s decline.https://t.co/59gGuEIvG1
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
26/ Moreover, they claim, a reserve currency country needs to accept − as the US has − permanent current account deficits in order to satisfy the world’s demand for its currency. This implies major changes in China’s monetary-economic policies for the yuan to replace the dollar.
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
27/ これらは有効な主張ですが、根本的な点が見落とされています。つまり、脱ドル化プロセスは本質的に (地) 政治的であり、経済的ではありません。それは単に「効率的な」システムを見つけることではなく、西側の通貨覇権に挑戦することでもあります。28/ Moreover, de-dollarisation doesn’t necessarily mean yuan-isation − the replacement of the dollar with the yuan − but, most likely, but the dispersion of reserve assets among several major currencies, including (but not limited to) the Chinese yuan, as well as commodities.
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
30/ But what about the US? Well, it depends. As @michaelxpettis and @M_C_Klein argue, the current international and monetary financial system doesn’t pit the interests of nations against each other so much as it pits the interests of certain economic sectors against others. pic.twitter.com/JMWCHznWpE
— Thomas Fazi (@battleforeurope) April 24, 2023
32/ ... ドルの優位性は、ウォール街、大規模なグローバル企業、そして最も重要な国家安全保障機関など、アメリカの帝国エリートに利益をもたらしてきました。これにより、米国は絶え間ない戦争体制を維持し、世界の多くの地域で財政的支配を行使することができました。
34/... は、産業および製造能力と、労働力に高給の仕事を提供する能力を深刻に侵食しました。ペティスは、これをドルの「法外な負担」と呼んでいます。
35/ 最終的に、ドル覇権の終焉がアメリカにとって何を意味するかは、その帝国統治の終わりと、ある程度「普通の」国への復帰であり、他の地域大国の中でも地域大国である.
36/ これは、現在国を支配し、脱ドル化の発生を阻止するために全力を尽くす略奪的なエリートを除いて、世界的にも米国内でも事実上すべての人に利益をもたらすでしょう.
【シリア・ダマスカスで29日、バッシャール・アル=アサド大統領と中国政府の翟隽(てき・しゅん)中東問題特使による会談が行われ、シリアは世界のバランスを取り戻すために中国が政治的・経済的に関与することを支持した。】 https://t.co/ITVjXl4RjJ
— @h-yamachan (@yamavhan) April 30, 2023
海外情報 2023/4/30
Recent media reports have claimed that the US was worried the Ukrainian push could fail to deliver desired results
Kiev’s forces will seize Russia’s newly incorporated territories and Crimea, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed in an interview with several Nordic media outlets on Friday.
“A counteroffensive will happen. We are preparing for it,” Zelensky said. “I strongly believe that it will be successful and that we will de-occupy our territories.”
“We will go forward … there cannot be any questions about that,” the president said. However, he reiterated that the ultimate outcome would depend on the deliveries of foreign arms. “For example, there is a risk that we will not have enough armored vehicles,” Zelensky warned.
The president’s comments came after Politico magazine reported on Monday that the White House was worried that the much-hyped operation's impact could fall short of expectations. The New York Times, meanwhile, warned that Western support for Kiev could weaken, and that Ukraine could come under pressure to resume negotiations with Russia if the offensive does not bring “a decisive victory.”
Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov said on Friday that the troops were broadly ready for a push against Russia. However, the same day, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba urged against investing too much in the planned operation. “You should not view the counteroffensive as a decisive battle,” he said.
"我々は前進する......それについて疑問の余地はない "と大統領は述べた。しかし、最終的な結果は、外国の武器の納入次第であることを改めて強調した。「例えば、装甲車が足りなくなる危険性がある」とゼレンスキーは警告した。
大統領のこの発言は、ポリティコ誌が月曜日に、ホワイトハウスが、大々的に宣伝された作戦の効果が期待を下回る可能性を懸念していると報じたことを受けてのものです。一方、ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、欧米のキエフに対する支援が弱まる可能性があり、攻撃によって "決定的な勝利 "が得られない場合、ウクライナはロシアとの交渉再開を迫られる可能性があると警告した。
[アトランタ 23日 ロイター] - 米国はリセッションへ向かっているのか。エコノミストや投資家は、インフレ率や雇用、住宅、銀行その他の先行指標をかき集めて判断しようとしているが、生活困窮者や福祉施設に食料を提供する国内最大のフードバンクの倉庫には不吉な兆候がある。
米国はゼレンスキー氏に領土喪失を受け入れさせる=米紙コラムニスト https://t.co/IfzVRysI0y pic.twitter.com/Obvl84VdLN
— Sputnik 日本 (@sputnik_jp) April 30, 2023
2023年4月30日, 10:17
米紙「Responsible Statecraft」のコラムニストであるダニエル・ラリソン氏は、ウォロディミル・ゼレンスキー大統領は、米国の面目を保つために、紛争後、ウクライナの領土喪失を受け入れざるを得ないとの見解を記した。
Ukrainian command center destroyed – Moscow
The facility was targeted by a salvo of sea-launched cruise missiles, according to the Russian Defense Ministry
The Russian Defense Ministry claimed on Saturday that it has destroyed a major Ukrainian command center. Cruise missiles launched from the sea were used to target the facility, the ministry’s spokesman, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, announced during a media briefing.
“On the evening of April 28 of this year, Russia’s Armed Forces delivered a group strike with sea-based long-range precision weapons at the location of the commanding officers of Ukraine’s joint troops grouping ‘Kherson,’” Konashenkov stated, adding that the goal of the strike “had been achieved.” The official did not provide any estimates on potential Ukrainian casualties.
The strike comes as both sides in the ongoing conflict, which has been raging since February 2022, have seemingly ramped up long-range attacks against each another. Earlier this week, Russia launched a cruise missile salvo targeting groupings of Ukrainian military reserves. The strikes successfully prevented their redeployment towards the frontline, according to the Russian military.
As a result of the attack a multistory residential building was damaged in the Ukrainian city of Uman, located in the central Cherkasy Region. It was not immediately clear what exactly struck the building, given the many instances of Ukrainian air defense projectiles having hit civilian sites in the country and even beyond. Nevertheless, Kiev squarely blamed Russia for the incident, which left more than 20 civilians dead, according to local officials.
Ukrainian forces, meanwhile, appear to have intensified attacks on residential areas in the Russian city of Donetsk, which has seen almost daily shelling throughout the conflict. On Friday, the city and its vicinity were subjected to particularly intense shelling, which left at least nine civilians dead and over a dozen injured. The attacks destroyed multiple residential homes and damaged a local hospital. Kiev’s forces also landed a direct hit on a passenger bus, killing all of its occupants.
The uptick in strikes comes ahead of an expected Ukrainian counteroffensive, long-advertised by the country’s top officials. On Friday, President Vladimir Zelensky said he expected the offensive to be “successful,” dismissing Western concerns over Ukraine’s capabilities that have appeared in several media outlets in recent weeks.
“A counteroffensive will happen. We are preparing for it,” Zelensky said in an interview with several Nordic media outlets. “I strongly believe that it will be successful and that we will de-occupy our territories.”
"今年4月28日の夜、ロシア軍は海上からの長距離精密兵器による集団攻撃を、ウクライナの合同部隊群『ケルソン』の指揮官の場所に行った "とコナシェンコフは述べ、攻撃の目的は "達成された "と付け加えた。同関係者は、ウクライナ人犠牲者の可能性について、いかなる推定も示さなかった。
伊がウクライナに供与の自走砲 1基も戦闘で使えず=英紙
2023年4月30日, 06:18M109
Morocco supplies Spain with Russian diesel – El Mundo
The North African country has boosted imports of the fuel, which has been shunned by the West
モロッコがスペインにロシアのディーゼルを供給 - El Mundo
モロッコがロシアのディーゼルやその他の精製品を割引価格で購入し、スペインに再輸出していると、El Mundoが船舶追跡情報筋の話を引用して金曜日に報道しました。
Russian gold production soars
Western sanctions have led to increased demand for safe-haven assets in the country
Russian gold miners boosted output by 26.5% year-on-year in March, according to the latest data from the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).
Compared to February, gold production jumped by more than 30%. The first quarter figure was 9.1% higher than in the same period of last year.
Meanwhile, the production of the key metals silver, platinum, and palladium in Russia rose by 14.1% in March in annual terms, Rosstat data showed.
The country’s bullion stockpile has also continued to grow over the past year, according to the Bank of Russia. Gold reserves jumped by 1 million ounces over the last year to 74.9 million ounces as of March 1, the CBR reported last month.
Demand for gold has been growing among the population as well, with Russians having bought more than 75 tons of investment gold bullion in 2022, according to the Finance Ministry.
Last March, the Russian government scrapped the 20% value-added tax on gold for individuals as people rushed to park their savings amid the sweeping Western sanctions. Several months later, the 13% income tax on profits from the sale of gold bars was rescinded as well. Since then, demand for the precious metal in the country has skyrocketed.
Zelensky’s top adviser issues threat to China
Mikhail Podoliak claims that Beijing will suffer a loss in status if it maintains its friendship with Russia
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s most prominent adviser, Mikhail Podoliak, has claimed that China must follow the West’s position on Ukraine or it will find its standing in the world diminished and its economic power weakened.
However, Beijing has given no indication that it intends to take his advice.
“Now China has to make a choice,” Podoliak told Ukraine’s Rada TV on Friday. “Either it works within the framework defined by international law, and then replaces Russia in the full sense of the word, or China continues to stand aside and then it will gradually lose its influence, including economic influence.”
Podoliak’s statement came two days after Zelensky and Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone, in their first known conversation since Russia’s military offensive began last February. According to the Chinese side, Xi stressed that Beijing’s “core position” on the conflict is that “dialogue and negotiations are the only viable way out.”
The US has repeatedly called on China to condemn Russia over the conflict, which Beijing has refused to do. Instead, the two governments have deepened their diplomatic and trade links, and officials from both countries have repeatedly condemned the US for attempting to impose what it calls a “rules-based international order” upon the world through military force and sanctions.
China and Russia have instead called for the construction of a multipolar system based on the rule of international law and respect for the UN charter. “Right now there are changes – the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 years – and we are the ones driving these changes together,” Xi told Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow last month.
Podoliak has attempted to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing before. Late last month he asked the Italian Corriere della Sera newspaper why China would “help Russia, which is experiencing the collapse of its civilization?”
“It would be an irreversible investment, and China is too pragmatic to make such mistakes," he added.
However, even if China were to break from Russia, it would still face a United States hostile to its interests. The Pentagon’s most recent National Defense Strategy lists countering the supposed “threat posed by China” as its number one priority, while Washington has blocked the sale of some semiconductor manufacturing hardware to China and rallied its Asian allies to shut Beijing out of this vital industrial sector.
Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has said on several occasions that he would use the US military to defend Taiwan – which China considers its territory – from a potential Chinese invasion.
ロシアとの友好関係を維持すれば、北京は地位の低下を招くと主張するMikhail Podoliak氏
ポドリアックの声明は、ゼレンスキーと中国の習近平国家主席が、昨年2月にロシアの軍事攻勢が始まって以来初めて知られた電話による会話を行った2日後に発表された。中国側によると、習主席は、この紛争に関する北京の "核心的立場 "は、"対話と交渉が唯一の実行可能な方法である "と強調したという。
ポドリアックは以前にも、モスクワと北京の間に楔を打ち込もうとしたことがある。先月末、彼はイタリアのコリエレ・デラ・セラ紙に、なぜ中国が "文明の崩壊を経験しているロシアを助けるのか?"と尋ねた。
"それは不可逆的な投資であり、中国はそのような過ちを犯すには現実的すぎる "と彼は付け加えた。
ロシアを孤立させようとする西側の努力は失敗した - ラヴロフ氏
The top diplomat says nations comprising 85% of the world’s population are refusing to take part in anti-Russia policies
The West has failed to isolate Russia, with the majority of the world still interested in maintaining good relations with Moscow, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. He also argued that the trend toward multipolarity is irreversible, whether former colonial powers like it or not.
Addressing the World Online Conference on Multipolarity on Saturday, Lavrov said that “Washington’s and its satellites’ efforts to reverse history, to force the international community to live by the invented ‘rules-based order’” are proving to be a fiasco, citing the “total failure” of the West “to isolate Russia.”
According to the foreign minister, a number of countries, which combined are home to 85% of the world’s population, have made it clear that they will not do the bidding of the former colonial powers.
The Russian diplomat said the fact that delegates from several dozen nations “from nearly every continent” attended the online forum shows just how much traction the idea of multipolarity has gained.
Lavrov noted that new global centers are emerging in Eurasia, the Indo-Pacific region, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, and that these nations are pursuing independent policies guided by national interests.
According to the foreign minister, developing nations have been steadily expanding their share in the global economy over the past three decades, while the role of the G7 nations has been diminishing.
He also hailed the fact that more and more countries have expressed interest in joining international groups “of the new kind,” such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).
Russia, Lavrov explained, champions a multipolar world order based on respect for the UN charter, and a “balance of interests” as opposed to a “balance of fear.”
President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Moscow will not abide by the “so-called rules” invented and imposed by “certain countries.”
Also on Friday, while addressing members of the SCO, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed that the West is putting “unprecedented pressure” on independent countries to pit them against Russia and China, and undermine the rise of the multipolar world.
On Monday, Lavrov called for the expansion of Asian, African, and Latin American representation in the UN Security Council, arguing that the West is over-represented in the international body.
ロシアを孤立させようとする西側の努力は失敗した - ラヴロフ氏
1年ぶりの温泉からの帰宅後、急に怠さと発熱があり、風邪かなと思い葛根湯を飲みましたが効かず。イベルメクチン飲んだら不思議とすぐに熱も怠さもなくなりましたが、翌朝、人生初の結膜下出血に。 5回打ってる高齢者ばかりの脱衣所でなんか受けたんだろうな、、としか思えないのです辛い
— いもだんご (@aTtaMR2Zo6geXEJ) April 28, 2023
— 池澤孝夫 (@gomaki19531) April 28, 2023
高濃度グルタチオン&ビタミンC点滴で… https://t.co/tnBu7SqC8f
— むちょむちょ (@bOtxWgodeGdNqAC) April 29, 2023
— ᶠᵃᶜʰⁱʳⁱ (@v_fachiri) April 23, 2023
ゆっくりと確実にアジアの時代へ pic.twitter.com/0BKg3vivOa
EU、ロシアと貿易を行う国の輸出規制を検討 - FT
The move would help close the loophole that allows Moscow buy sanctioned goods through third parties
Brussels may ban certain EU exports to countries that are believed to be re-exporting sanctioned goods to Russia, in a bid to enforce the existing sanctions against the country, the Financial Times reported on Friday, citing sources close to the discussions.
According to the report, a legal mechanism would allow Brussels to identify sanctioned products that end up in Russia through third parties, and countries that resell them.
The European Commission would then issue official warnings to these states. If those are not heeded, Brussels would then add the names of targeted products and destinations to export controls.
The measure may be included in the 11th package of Ukraine-related sanctions against Russia, sources claim.
Some member states, however, have expressed concern over how the measure may affect their trade relations with third countries, as well as how such measures comply with global trade rules, even if they are strictly targeted and temporary, sources say.
“It will lead to quite some discussion in the EU – over whether we are comfortable doing that. How do you avoid the unintended side effects of pushing certain countries in a different direction to where you want them to go? You have to be very careful on how you use carrots and sticks,” one of the sources told the news outlet.
EU、ロシアと貿易を行う国の輸出規制を検討 - FT
The authorities claim the measures run counter to the existing trade agreements
The Ukrainian authorities have sent notes of protest to the Polish and EU embassies, decrying the restrictions on imports of the country’s agricultural products to the bloc. This was announced on Saturday by Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Oleg Nikolenko in a Facebook post.
According to Nikolenko, Ukraine considers the restrictions “utterly unacceptable.”
“Such restrictions, for whatever reason, do not comply with the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement and the principles and norms of the EU Single Market,” he wrote.
The minister noted that Kiev has “all legal grounds” to immediately resume its exports to Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria and continue uninterrupted transit of all Ukrainian products to other countries both inside and outside of the EU.
“The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry urged its [EU] partners to find a balanced solution based on EU legislation, the Association Agreement, and in the spirit of solidarity,” he added.
Earlier this month, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria unilaterally banned the import of agricultural products from Ukraine in a bid to protect their domestic markets, which has been overflowing with cheap Ukrainian products. Romania did not impose an import ban, but joined the other four in calls for Brussels to free the region of Ukrainian goods.
After two weeks of discussions, the European Commission and the five member states struck a deal on Friday, which involves replacing the individual bans placed by the countries on Ukrainian imports with “emergency safeguard measures” for four major staples – wheat, maize, rapeseed, and sunflower seeds.
Sources claim that imports of these crops into the five Eastern European countries will likely be blocked unless for transit.
ニコレンコ氏によると、ウクライナはこの制限を "全く受け入れられない "と考えています。
"このような制限は、いかなる理由であれ、ウクライナ・EU連合協定とEU単一市場の原則と規範を遵守していない "と彼は書いています。
The Americans claim there is “unsafe and unprofessional” activity where they have no right to be
Robert Inlakesh
The US military, with the help of its Kurdish allies, occupies a third of Syrian territory with no legal basis and is now complaining about Russia antagonizing its troops. Although Moscow has been invited into Syria by Damascus and the US has repeatedly been asked to leave, the Americans are treating Syrian territory as if it is their own.
US officials have recently lashed out with yet more accusations against Moscow. This time the complaints have surfaced through Western corporate media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). The head of US Air Forces Central Command, Lt. Gen. Alexus Grynkewich, told the WSJ that “we continue to see unsafe and unprofessional area activity from the Russians,” reportedly in proximity of US forces. No evidence has been provided for the claims and Moscow has yet to make any comment.
In July of last year, Dana Stroul, the Biden administration’s deputy assistant secretary of defense (DASD) for the Middle East, said: “Russia is flying in and moving about, at times, in the same space or terrain, near our forces, and it is the responsible, professional thing to do to make sure we have a channel to talk to each other.” She claimed this system has been in place for “a very long time” and is key in preventing misunderstandings that could “tip into an escalatory cycle.” With the presence of both forces in close proximity so frequently, there has yet to be any indication that what is being complained about now is anything new.
However, the story that is being completely written out of existence here is that the US has no legitimacy whatsoever to even operate inside Syria. The US government attempts to legally justify its presence by asserting that under international law it is a victim state in the face of non-state actors such as ‘Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) ISIS or Al-Qaeda. Therefore, the Authorization for Use of Military Force (UAMF) against Iraq, which was passed by US Congress in 2002, is utilized here.
The problem is that the US invasion of Iraq had no validity under international law either, a point explicitly made by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2004. Knowing this, US government officials will always cite their invitation from the Iraqi government to operate inside the country today, sometimes attempting to attach their operations in Syria as coming in defense of their Iraqi ally. Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, an international law which prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another state, completely invalidates US operations inside Syria, since the sovereign government of the nation never granted America permission to enter its territory. In fact, it has even ordered US forces to leave.
Even if you buy the domestic argument about the US fight against ISIS, an organization that has been reduced to terror cells that linger in caves for the most part, this justification also begins to fall apart when examined closely. In 2017, US Senator for Virginia, Tim Kaine, wrote to the US State Department and Secretary of Defense, expressing his concern that if the anti-ISIS mission was extended to include pursuing objectives outside combating the terrorist group, it would have no legitimacy.
In 2018, former US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated that he planned on maintaining an indefinite troop presence in Syria, both to fight ISIS and to combat Iran and Syrian President Bashar Assad. Even today, the US Department of Defense openly mentions that its mission in Syria and Iraq is a strategy to undermine Iran and ISIS. At one point, after former US President Donald Trump had been misled to believe that all US forces had been withdrawn from Syria, he corrected himself by saying that the US military presence there is “only for the oil.”
As US troops continue to quietly occupy Syria’s oil fields, Russia-Turkey talks could help bring calm to nation devastated by war
Interestingly, at a conference in 2019, Stroul stated that despite the lack of investment that the US was able to muster to counter Iranian and Russian influence in Syria, it still maintained compelling leverage “to shape an outcome that is more protective and conducive to US interests.”
Stroul outlined four ways that the US maintains its leverage. The first key point she made was about the territory in the north-east, which she said is “owned via the US military with its local partner,” adding that the “one third of Syria is the resource rich, economic powerhouse of Syria.” She elaborated that this is “where the hydrocarbons are” and that it is also the “agricultural powerhouse” of the country. Additionally, she stated that the strategy of isolating the government in Damascus diplomatically is in part about preventing Moscow’s efforts to re-integrate the country onto the international stage, and that US sanctions are partly attached to a wider anti-Iran strategy.
Perhaps the most shocking of all Stroul’s points was the admission that the US has only allowed reconstruction in the areas controlled by its SDF allies in occupied Syria while commenting that “the rest of Syria is rubble.” Stroul continued, “What Russia wants and what Assad want, is economic reconstruction and that is something that the United States can basically hold a card on via the international financial institutions and our cooperation with the Europeans.” In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Northern Syria earlier this year, the prevention of reconstruction has contributed significantly to civilian suffering resulting from the natural disaster.
The US Caesar Act sanctions have been blasted for years by UN experts, who have called upon the Biden administration to drop them over the “suffocating” humanitarian crisis they are inflicting on Syrian civilians. Under international law, the third of Syrian territory “owned” by the US can be argued as tantamount to an illegal occupation by a foreign military force. Given that the US military is an occupying power, Damascus has the right to use force to expel it, furthermore, since Russia has been invited into Syria by the official government, the US claims of harassment carry no weight. The United States of America has no right to claim self defense in Syria, it has only one right there – to leave and not return.
昨年7月、バイデン政権の中東担当国防副次官補(DASD)であるダナ・ストロールは、次のように述べている: "ロシアは、時には同じ空間や地形で、我々の軍隊の近くを飛行し、移動している。" "我々がお互いに話すためのチャンネルを持っていることを確認することは、責任ある、プロフェッショナルなことである。" 彼女は、このシステムは「非常に長い間」実施されており、「エスカレートするサイクルへと傾く」可能性のある誤解を防ぐ上で重要であると主張しました。両軍がこれほど頻繁に近接する中で、今訴えられていることが何か新しいことであるという兆候はまだない。
2018年、レックス・ティラーソン前米国務長官は、ISISと戦うため、そしてイランとシリアのアサド大統領と戦うために、シリアに無期限の兵力を維持する予定であると表明しました。現在でも、米国防総省はシリアとイラクでの任務がイランとISISを弱体化させる戦略であることに公然と言及している。あるとき、ドナルド・トランプ前米大統領が、シリアからすべての米軍が撤退したと誤解された後、そこに米軍がいるのは "石油のためだけだ "と言って訂正したことがあった。
興味深いことに、2019年の会議でストロールは、シリアにおけるイランとロシアの影響力に対抗するために米国が行使できた投資が不足しているにもかかわらず、"より保護的で米国の利益に資する結果を形成する "説得力のあるレバレッジを維持していると述べている。
2023年4月26日, 16:18
ウクライナ産穀物の最大の買い手であるトルコは、5月1日から小麦、大麦、トウモロコシに130%の輸入関税を導入する。その関連文書にトルコのエルドアン大統領が署名したことが分かった。トルコの官報「Resmi Gazete」が伝えている。
EU country reveals losses from Ukrainian grain imports
The flood of cheaper agricultural products has hurt Slovakian farmers
Slovakian farmers lost about €200 million as a result of the vast influx of Ukrainian agricultural produce into the country, the Minister of Agriculture Samuel Vlchan revealed on Wednesday as cited by the national news agency TASR.
Last year, the EU lifted tariffs and quotas for Ukrainian agricultural produce and worked to facilitate its exportation, in an attempt to support Kiev financially. However, Eastern European nations have faced protests as local farmers have struggled to compete with cheaper imports.
“Processing of grain and oilseeds alone led to financial damages of about €200 million sustained by Slovak farmers,” Vlchan said, adding that the nation had to introduce additional security measures at the borders.
“However, Slovakia has never blocked transit of Ukrainian crops,” the minister added.
Slovak authorities had previously banned the processing and sale of Ukrainian grain after discovering a dangerous pesticide in a shipment. The ban, duration of which was not specified, covers all grain of Ukrainian origin and flour made from it.
スロバキアの農家は、ウクライナ産の農産物が大量に流入した結果、約2億ユーロの損失を被ったと、Samuel Vlchan農業大臣が水曜日に国営通信TASRの引用により明らかにしました。
EU reaches deal on Ukrainian food imports
Several Eastern European countries introduced bans earlier this month after protests by farmers
The European Commission on Friday struck an agreement with five EU member-states to help clear the supply glut caused by Ukrainian agricultural imports. The announcement was made on Twitter by EU trade chief Valdis Dombrovskis.
“The European Commission has reached an agreement in principle with Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania & Slovakia regarding Ukraine agri-food products. We have acted to address concerns of both farmers in neighboring EU countries and Ukraine,” Dombrovskis wrote on the social media platform.
According to the official, the key elements of the new deal include the withdrawal of unilateral import restrictions previously placed by the countries on Ukrainian agricultural produce, a €100 million ($110 million) support package for the member-states’ farmers, and “emergency safeguard measures” for four Ukrainian staples – wheat, maize, rapeseed and sunflower seeds. Dombrovskis did not elaborate on what these emergency measures would entail, but sources claim that the imports of these crops into the five Eastern European countries will likely be blocked unless for transit.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen welcomed the deal, saying that it would help guarantee the transit of Ukrainian produce.
“This agreement preserves both Ukraine's export capacity so that it continues to feed the world, and the livelihoods of our farmers,” she tweeted.
In June last year, the EU lifted tariffs and quotas for Ukrainian agricultural imports for one year in order to enable grain from Ukraine to be shipped to global markets amid the conflict with Russia. Many of the shipments, however, ended up in Eastern European countries, flooding their markets with cheap produce and sparking protests among local farmers.
Earlier this month, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria unilaterally banned agricultural products imported from Ukraine in bid to protect their markets. While Romania had not imposed its own import ban, it joined the other four in urging Brussels to find a solution to the glut of Ukrainian produce. Import bans were deemed “unacceptable” by Brussels, as they undermined the bloc’s single market rules.
How the operation is developing and what to expect next?
By mid-April, the Ukrainian military group had been almost completely blockaded in the western part of Artyomovsk. Wagner PMC handed the northern and southern flanks over to the Russian forces and focused on clearing out city blocks.
How many troops does Ukraine have left in the city?
According to RT’s sources, only four to seven battalions of Ukraine’s 93rd Mechanized and 77th Air Mobile Brigades can be located inside the city to the west of the Artyomovsk railway line. Due to combat losses, as well as a shortage of medicine and ammunition, the actual number of soldiers in these units is significantly lower than usual, amounting to about 250-300 per battalion.
There are also three to five battalions of the 125th Territorial Defense Brigade and four or five battalions of the 241st Territorial Defense Brigade to the west of the railway line.
Taking into account foreign mercenaries, Ukrainian National Guard units, Territorial Defense forces, and military units, the total number of Ukrainian troops occupying the city might be slightly over 6,000.
The remaining forces, numbering about 30,000, are either dispersed in nearby suburbs (Khromov, Krasnoye, Stupochki, Bogdanovka, and Minkovka), or have withdrawn from Artyomovsk to the neighboring town of Chasov Yar for resupply and rearmament, and cannot be quickly thrown into a counterattack due to heavy losses and a lack of equipment.
What is happening inside Artyomovsk?
The timing of the destruction of the Ukrainian group, which is actually hemmed into western districts of the city, directly depends on which tasks are assigned to Wagner PMC and the Russian Armed Forces units operating on the flanks.
At the moment, 9,000 to 11,000 of Kiev’s troops are killed in Artyomovsk per month due to the battering of Ukrainian troops inside the city and nearby suburbs.
This has compelled the Ukrainian military to deploy reserves for the defense of Artyomovsk, which had been prepared for carrying out the previously announced counteroffensive.
However, the new reserves are occupying old targeted positions, leaving them vulnerable. To advance in the city, Wagner PMC employs semi-interception tactics. This is when Ukrainian units (from one or two companies) are enclosed in a ring and destroyed, and the area where the operation takes place is then blocked off so that the Ukrainian forces cannot quickly bring in reinforcements.
These tactics have already begun to significantly increase losses for the Ukrainian Armed Forces and lead to an acute shortage of reserves. The number of Ukrainian soldiers killed and wounded since the beginning of April exceeds the number of reinforcements received. As the Russian Armed Forces advance on Artyomovsk from the flanks (north and south), more and more Ukrainian reserves are being killed on the roads between Chasov Yar and Artyomovsk’s western quarters.
When their supply line is finally completely cut off, the Ukrainian group in Artyomovsk (from Metallurg Boulevard in the north to the Bakhmut Industrial College area in the south) will face a choice: to fight until their ammunition is exhausted or use the weapons they have left to attempt a breakthrough in order to retreat from the city.
ブレイクダウン: アルチョモフスク(バフムート)で包囲されたウクライナ軍についてわかっていること
残りの部隊は約3万人で、近隣の郊外(Khromov、Krasnoye、Stupochki、Bogdanovka、Minkovka)に分散しているか、アルチョモフスクから隣町のChasov Yarに撤退して補給と再武装をしており、大きな損失と装備不足ですぐに反撃に出ることができない。
— olivenews (@olivenews) April 20, 2023
モスクワ、4月20日。/TASS/. 特別作戦中、ロシア軍は、コンスタンチノフカ地域にあるウ軍バクムトグループの統合本部を攻撃した。これは、木曜日にロシア国防省の公式代表であるイゴール・コナシェンコフ中将によって述べられた。 pic.twitter.com/YSLdEGxzgh
観測筋によると、昨夜、ウクライナの戦線はすべて崩壊し、ロシア軍はアルテモフスクの西側地区すべてに「突入」したという。もはや組織的な防御はなく、作戦司令部もない。NATOの担当者はすべてこの街を去った。 https://t.co/sByphJzvHI
— olivenews (@olivenews) April 20, 2023
US urged Ukraine to withdraw from Artyomovsk – Pentagon leaks
Washington has warned Kiev that its troops risk encirclement unless they retreat soon, according to leaked Pentagon data
The US has reportedly been warning Kiev since January that its forces would not be able to hold on to the key Donbass city of Artyomovsk, known in Ukrainian as Bakhmut, and has repeatedly urged a withdrawal, The Washington Post reported on Thursday, citing leaked US intelligence documents.
According to the “top secret” assessment obtained by the outlet, Washington believes that Russia’s “steady” advances in the region since November have jeopardized Ukraine’s ability to retain control of Artyomovsk and that its troops are “at risk of encirclement, unless they withdraw within the next month.”
However, the warnings appear to have largely been ignored, according to the newspaper. Kiev reportedly believes that the city holds not only strategic military value, but is crucial to maintaining national morale and denying Russia boasting rights over any territorial gains.
The battle for Artyomovsk has emerged as one of the most intense and bloody engagements of the conflict in Ukraine, with both sides reportedly suffering significant casualties. A number of Western officials, including US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, have said that the city has more symbolic than strategic significance for Kiev. Nevertheless, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky pledged to defend it as long as possible after proclaiming the city a fortress.
Another batch of leaked Pentagon documents reported by Newsweek on Monday apparently show that the US does not believe Artyomovsk to be vital to the overall conflict and will inevitably fall into Russian hands, dealing a “psychological blow” to Kiev. Washington has reportedly encouraged Kiev to instead focus on an anticipated spring counteroffensive.
Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry reported earlier this week that its forces, together with Wagner military group fighters, have blocked off Artyomovsk from the north and the south and have also taken control of several districts in the south-west, the north-west, and central parts of the city.
According to the acting head of Russia's Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, all roads leading to Artyomovsk are being controlled by Russian artillery, while Russian troops control some 90% of the city with Ukrainian troops clinging to a small part of its western district.
同誌が入手した「最高機密」の評価書によると、ワシントンは、11月以降のロシアのこの地域での「着実な」進出が、ウクライナのアルチョモフスクの支配を維持する能力を危うくし、自軍は "来月中に撤退しない限り、包囲される危険がある "と考えています。
「クロモヴォ方面の高速道路の状況は、完全に射撃管制下にある。これが最後の道だった。しかし、敵は野原を通り抜け、さらには砲撃を受ける可能性がまだある」―プシリン pic.twitter.com/zcXfeFIGSx
— mko (@trappedsoldier) April 27, 2023
司令官 Akhmat Apti Alaudinov は、ウクライナ軍は反撃の場合には敗北すると述べたLe commandant Akhmat Apti Alaudinov a déclaré que les forces armées ukrainiennes seraient vaincues en cas de contre-offensive
— Brainless Partisans ☠️☢️☣️ (@BPartisans) April 27, 2023
"Après cette contre-offensive, Kiev sera absolument impuissante à lever des fonds pour même mener une guerre purement défensive", a-t- il… pic.twitter.com/7R9nple5qV
️ アラウディノフは、この反撃はロシア軍とウクライナ軍の両方にとって決定的なものになるだろうと付け加えた.
露国防省は海上配備の長距離高精度兵器による集中攻撃が宇予備軍の展開地点を襲撃。ドネツク方向で突撃分遣隊がアルテモフスク北西部、西部、南西部の4分の1を占領。空挺部隊は北と南の郊外で敵をピン留、強襲部隊の行動を支援。400人超の宇軍人と傭兵が消失。https://t.co/lmVVVh9n9F pic.twitter.com/xfJLZwDgW9
— 青山貞一 (@TeiichiAoyama) April 27, 2023
— 知足隠遁 (@SukiyakiSong) April 29, 2023
この要塞都市を拠点にしたウクのナチスが露系住民を大量虐殺してきた https://t.co/UnYyyAjTqE
— Акичка (@4mYeeFHhA6H1OnF) April 29, 2023
ロシアの電子特殊部隊を育成しています。実践的な訓練は、敵の陣地を急襲する際に、屋外で行われる。 pic.twitter.com/QqA37y6IYs